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You never know what lies ahead,

when governments are tame,

It only takes a crazy one,

like that Saddam Hussein !


He started something very big,

that could have been the one,

a Holy War or so it was called,

and then what would we have done ?


Personal Growth and Excellence,

is all that we can share,

to bring us closer to this dream,

to leave we must but dare.


Change is all we can advocate,

for better understanding,

but those who hold our fate in tow,

must want to change their standing.


A place to go where man has gone,

because it's hard not easy,

to make another home from home,

you've guessed it's not Zambezi !


Let's find a place away to go,

where warring has no face,

where people love and get along,

to a haven...just in case.

"Just In Case"

Composed & Written by

                          Tony Nicodemous 1992 (c)

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